Sunday, January 10, 2010


It is often argued on what the desired number of reps(repetitions) should be when doing an exercise. The number may vary depending on ones physical goals or desires. There are plenty of ideas/opinions to follow including my own. My personal recommendation for general rep-range; If your looking to develop muscular endurance your exercise should involve twelve or more reps with a shorter rest period in between sets(I recommend 30 to 60 secs). If your main focus is strength your exercise should involve 6 or less reps with a longer rest period in between sets(I recommend 1 to 2 mins).

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty much it. A lot of trainers go with something in between for gaining muscle mass though. For most exercises, I stick with 6-12 reps because mass is what I am aiming for. However, for difficult compount movements, like the deadlift, I go with 5 rep sets. This ensures that I am using a challenging weight and that I can focus on keeping good form. I've recently got hooked on the Squats and Milk routine, though, which calls for 20 rep squats 3 times a week (1 set of course). These are 20 gut-busting reps, too, because I started with my old 10 rep max and add 5-10 lbs on per session. Lord have mercy on my soul.

    Volume should also be considered. How many exercises and how many sets. I prefer the standard 3-4 sets. And with rest I go with 2-3 minutes because that gives my weak muscles enough time to recuperate and have at it again. With deadlifts, I might need a full 5 minutes in between. But you are exactly right that each individual will have their preferred method which maximizes their potential. Also beware, I am a relative NEWB to the gym :)
